FortyEighty Architecture
Vincentian Collaborative System
During construction [Sota was] creative in resolving ordinary and extraordinary problems.
— Alice Kulikowski
AMK Consulting, Inc.
This 15,000 s.f. office building is constructed on 1.5 acres in McCandless and serves as space for the corporate offices and administration staff. It emphasizes a work environment that connects to the outside (views, defined outdoor spaces, etc.) and the inclusion of nature/natural elements within the building.
This project included substantial site preparation. The storm water management system for this site is designed to collect, distribute, and clean storm water through a series of rain gardens and bio-retention areas. The end result is clean water that is discharged back into the local tributary with no need for municipal treatment.
The building structure is a combination of wood-framed and steel-framed structure. The building also incoporates numerous green features including: energy efficient aluminum clad wood windows, high efficiency HVAC equipment, recycled content materials and low VOC paints, adhesives, and sealers that were used throughout.